This is where we re-enchant the world, my loves!
“The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects”
~ Thomas Berry
Let’s make magic together!
By “magic” I mean regaining a sense of wonder. Remembering how to play. Remembering how to view the world with awe, and let its beauty and splendor captivate us.
Wonder is the solution to apocalypse. Wonder is the cure for alienation. Wonder sparks imagination and reminds us we are all interconnected in this living, pulsing world.
To become enchanted is to remember. To reclaim what was always our birthright, that of living in communion with the world around us.
To this end, I explore the intersection between art, music, nature, belonging, and regenerative, abundant living on this beautiful jewel of a planet we share.
I offer classes, events, retreats, and adventures to facilitate immersive experiences in solution-oriented play; play that invites us to ask deep questions. Play that explores solutions to the world’s greatest problems, all while making or enjoying art.
This is what makes my heart sing, and to which all of my creations are dedicated.
What types of events do I offer?
~Singing classes and retreats, both online and out in nature. These are facilitated improvisational explorations of our voices. We sing to express what words alone cannot. We sing to find our voice and the power held within. We sing to express our grief, our joy, our gratitude for the miracle of our lives. Singing as an offering to the world is a deeply devotional act.
~Tarot-themed classes, where we use the imagery and guidance of the Tarot to explore our own soul’s journey, and move through the shadows that hold us back.
~Elements of Enchantment, where we explore what it means to re-enchant the world through writing, painting, ritual, meditation, and Tarot.
~Sea divination painting retreats.
So long as I live, I shall continue to dream up ways for us to share art-infused adventures that help us to see the world through the eyes of enchantment!
Want to stay in the loop on these?
Best way to do so is to join over 1,000 other wonder-seekers in my Ring of Enchantment email community! That way you’ll be first to hear whenever a new offering is made available. (And you’ll get three of my songs in the bargain as well!)