Elements of Magic: A 6 Week Series at the Raven’s Wing.
Develop your magical skills in a supportive environment as we explore the practices and philosophy of modern magic. We'll practice grounding, circle casting, psychic self defense, calling on Gods, guides, and guardians, spellcraft, and more. Class is rooted in Anderson Feri tradition.
Class is $30 per session or $145 for all 6. Please register in advance by sending $145 via PayPal to sharon@sharonknight.net. The class requires a 5 person minimum. Drop-ins are welcome for individual classes so long as minimum is met. Limited to 12 people.
More details on individual sessions:
Week 1 (January 22nd): Introduction to Magic.
What is magic? We’ll explore magical philosophy, and learn basic practices for energy management, such as grounding and centering, cleansing, and the triple soul alignment.
Week 2 (January 29th): Orienting Ourselves in Magical Space and Time.
We’ll explore the notion of being “Between Worlds” and learn the practices of Casting Circle, Banishing, and invoking the Elements.
Week 3 (Feb 19th): Working with Gods and Spirits.
What are Gods and Spirits? How do we approach them? Can they be trusted? This practice will include a rite of approach to the Goddess Hecate.
Week 4 (Feb. 26th): Psychic Self Defense.
It’s a mad world at times! Know how to shield yourself when needed, and cleanse yourself of unwanted energies when they accumulate. We’ll explore what to do if you get “slimed” or pick up an uninvited hitchhiker from the spirit world.
Week 5 (March 4th): Spellcraft.
The art of nudging circumstances in your favor! Learn some of the components that go into “results magic”; making things happen! What makes an effective spell? What are the strengths and limitations of spellcraft? Bring your desire, and we will create a candle to carry your will into the field of magic.
Week 6 (March 18th): Pentacle Work.
“Know Thyself” was inscribed at the Temple of Delphi, and indicates that to live a fulfilled life, we must come to understand our true nature. In this class we will introduce the Iron, Pearl, and Lead Pentacles as tools for understanding underlying aspects of ourselves. These pentacles have become classic tools of modern magic for their unsurpassed ability to illuminate and integrate the shadowy realms of the subconscious. With awareness of our true nature comes integration with all the worlds, and a healing of the great disconnect at the core of our society.